MATT CHUNG STUDIOS | Digital Media & Strategy

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Finding Light in the Darkness

2020, oh what a year you’ve been. From right out of the gate you’ve pushed our buttons. You took Kobe and his beloved daughter from us, long before they deserved to go. You saw Australia get set ablaze, terrorizing entire habitats with fire. You even saw one of the deadliest explosions in history take place as Beirut was covered in ash. But of course, as bad as all that was, you overshadowed it by throwing at us one of the biggest tests in human history. One that we are still fighting to this day.

Now, I have never been one to test well, so I’ll start by saying that. I have always been the kind of guy that learned most from hands-on experiences and making mistakes. To me, facing failure and overcoming adversity are the greatest ways to grow as a person. It’s about what you do when the times are tough that tests who you truly are. That’s exactly what this pandemic has been, one big test. But, to be honest with you, I’m happy with how I’ve tackled this one.

To think that we’re already nearing the end of the year is a pretty wild thought. The amount of times I’ve heard people say that “2020 has been a waste” is almost unfathomable. You see, I don’t look at it that way... I refuse to. I refuse to continue to pump more negative energy into a world that is already at its brink with negativity. Instead, I see it as a blessing in disguise, and before you give me sh*t about using the word blessing to describe a year that’s been so dark, hear me out.

Take a look at these photos and tell me what’s different about them. It’s not the subject, nor is it the setting. Both of those are the same. Instead, it's the focus. One of them was taken with the foreground in focus and the other was taken with the background. Yet, it’s clear even just from these two images how impactful one small change can be. That’s how I like to look at life too. Sometimes if life throws you obstacles and you can’t seem to find your way, maybe your focus is all that needs to change.

To say that I’ve learned a lot during this pandemic would be an understatement. Being forced into quarantine has taught me to adapt and discover so many new things in such a short time (although it feels like forever). Here are some of the things I’ve done. For one, I built my own brand. Matt Chung Studios was conceived during quarantine. Everything from the logo to the website you are looking at now. I started a small business. I have always been extremely proud of my work and only now took the leap towards selling it as art. The positive responses I have received have been overwhelming and I couldn’t be happier with how it’s gone. I’ve learned about stocks and started investing in them. I learned that you don’t need a gym to be in the best shape of your life. I’ve learned to take better photos, just by being blessed with more time to practice. I realized that I wanted to start a journal, with hopes that I could inspire others. This here is the first of many, and to those who are reading this, I appreciate your time and look forward to bringing you more. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I’ve learned to truly cherish the time you have with your family. Because no matter how hard life hits you, they will always be by your side to help you through it.

I hope this small piece has not only given you some light into my life, but also pushes you to find the light in yours. I know it’s been a crazy year, but if you have the right mindset you can come out of this stronger than ever. I truly hope that many others like me have taken the time to set new goals for themselves and chase them. Use these moments to try new things or test out those crazy ideas that you’ve had locked away all this time. Take the leap, just like I did, and become an even better version of yourself. You might just be surprised at where you end up.

Wishing everyone all the best and hope you guys continue to stay safe. This too shall pass. We’re all in it together. Cheers!

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