Chasing Happiness

Are you happy? This is a question I’m constantly asking myself. It’s a question that helps me determine what I want from this life and whether one thing is worth pursuing over another. It’s a question that has pushed me out of a stable income job into a world of unknown. Where the next client and the next paycheque are never guaranteed. Not yet at least. Am I crazy for leaving good money and stability behind? Some people would certainly say so. But do I have regrets? Hell no. Because if happiness is what I’m chasing, then for me, that had to come with change.

For the last 7 years I had been pursuing a career in architecture, having spent 4 years in school and another 3 years working in the field. My creativity has always been one of my biggest driving factors in life and I always thought architecture would be one of best ways to exercise my creative mind, while still making good money. What I’ve realized is that some things aren’t always as they seem. Don’t get me wrong, architecture can still be a very rewarding profession and many of my colleagues have found success and happiness pursuing it. I’ve just realized that it’s not for me. The thought of sitting at a desk 8 hours a day, consulting with engineers, following building codes, submitting permits and drawing tedious construction details just doesn’t fulfil me. 

Instead, photography has always been my escape. It’s something I’ve always been able to fall back on when I felt like I was in a creative slump. I find it to be so freeing. No one can tell me how to see things and how to capture them. Photography in many ways is a visual representation of how I see and interpret the world. Without a doubt, going out and taking photos is where I’m the most happy, especially when it’s in the great outdoors. That’s why after getting laid off from my full time job, I decided I wasn’t going to look back. I was going to pursue photography full time and chase that very thing that makes me tick. 

In the past year I’ve started a small business selling prints and taking portraits. I’m constantly working hard to capture new art but if you’d like to browse what I have available right now then click here. Currently, I’m in the process of co-founding another company specializing in photography, videography and design work for brands. It’s been such a rewarding journey, taking on my own projects and doing what I love. Starting multiple businesses has also taught me a world of things, but one of the best lessons I’ve learned is to simply enjoy the process. I have no regrets pursuing architecture, because if I hadn’t gone through it, I never would have known that it wasn’t for me. Diving head first into that profession has also taught me critical thinking, composition, and has honed my design eye. For that, I am extremely grateful. Another important thing I’ve learned is that you should never shy away from change and adversity. In fact, I’ve found that some of the biggest steps towards personal growth come from facing adversity and welcoming change.

So, without rambling on any further, I want to answer my question from the very beginning. Am I happy? The answer is yes. I’m happy with how much I’ve grown and how much I’ve learned. I’m happy with the steps I’ve put in place to get to where I want to be. Most of all, I’m excited for what the future holds and look forward to accomplishing the goals I’ve yet to reach.

If you’ve made it this far, god bless you and thank you so much for reading. It means the world to me that you are willing to dedicate a bit of your time to listen to my words. I hope reading this has inspired you to chase what makes you happy and to enjoy this journey we call life. We only got one chance on this Earth, let’s make it one to remember.


Why All Photographers Should Print Their Photos