MATT CHUNG STUDIOS | Digital Media & Strategy

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A Journey into Photography

Hey there!

My name is Matthew Chung and I am a lifestyle and landscape photographer from Toronto, Canada. To those that are reading this and do know me, thanks again for stopping by. If you’ve managed to stumble upon this page and are unfamiliar with the face or the name, welcome!

Let me start by saying this. Photography is my passion.

It has consumed my thoughts ever since picking up my first DSLR four years ago. I have fallen in love not only with taking photos but with the inevitable self growth that comes with learning and mastering the craft. Photography has taught me so many things and has ultimately changed the way I view the world. It has given me a sense of purpose and in many ways has also given me peace. I also seek refuge in it, as it has helped me get through even the darkest of times. To me, that’s when you know you’ve found something you truly love.

Now, as I’ve already briefly mentioned, my love of taking photos wasn’t always as deep rooted as it is now. It only nestled it’s way into my life a few years ago as I embarked on my first real trip overseas. It was a rather last minute decision, but when my buddies asked me to tag along on their Euro trip, I had a hard time saying no. We flew into Venice and spent ten days travelling across Italy before making one final stop in Amsterdam for four more. It was an incredible culture shock for me and although it was a short trip, it was one of the most life-changing experiences I’ve ever had. Not only did I discover my love of travel, but I also uncovered a fresh new way of expressing myself simply through taking photos.

Before I continue I’d like to share a few of my favourite snaps from that trip below.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…that’s one great head of hair…and if you were to ask me about it back then I certainly would’ve agreed with you. But, if you were to ask me about it now, I’d say I’m happy that it’s behind me. Nonetheless, I’m even more glad to have these photos to be able to look back on and joke about these things. After all, that’s what photography is about, creating memories that last a lifetime.

The camera you see in my hand is an 08’ Nikon D60 and is the first “professional” camera I ever owned. As a matter of fact, it was my family’s camera. Although, for the most part it did nothing but sit in the house and collect dust. In all honesty, I never really had the desire to take photos at all prior to my travels. At that time, I was fully engaged in completing my undergraduate architecture degree and was busy exercising my creative mind in other ways. Photography simply didn’t interest me, and I certainly never thought I would grow to love it as much as I do now. Nonetheless, I figured this expedition was the perfect time to dust off the family camera and put it to use…and boy did I ever. I had that old thing on all day, every day, snapping away at everything I could see just like every other stereotypical tourist. It was fun and refreshing. At the time, I only knew how to use three buttons, the switch to turn it on and off, the shutter and the button that allowed me to view what I had captured (a few dozens of photos that were blurry and out of focus). Looking down at the rest of the camera I was clueless, but I didn’t care. I was simply enjoying the process and having fun exploring this new found hobby.

That same process is still what keeps me going today, the process of constantly learning new tricks and improving on old ones. The excitement you get from taking a photo and thinking to yourself, “damn, I did that”. It’s a feeling that will never get old. Since my trip to Europe I have left that old Nikon in the dust (literally) and invested in a brand new setup that I’ve been able to grow with over the years. I have learned so much about the craft and about myself and continue to find great satisfaction from looking at old photos and seeing how far I’ve come. Finally, I’m forever grateful for all the people that I’ve met along the way. This journey into the world of photography has introduced me to so many other incredible creatives and I am beyond stoked to connect with more of you as my story continues.

I know there is still so much for me to learn about this art form, but to be honest, that’s the part that excites me most. As for my wanderlust, I don’t think that will ever leave me. I have and will continue to travel for as long as I’m still breathing, and you bet I’ll have my camera right by my side every step of the way.